
Winterizing Golf Cart Batteries (6 Tips to Prevent Damage)

winterizing golf cart batteries

Winter is coming, and while that may mean cozy nights by the fire for some, it also means it’s time to prepare your golf equipment for the colder months ahead. One critical element to consider is your golf cart batteries. 

The chilly temperatures of winter can take a toll on them, even on the best batteries for golf carts, leading to reduced performance, decreased lifespan, and even costly repairs. However, by properly winterizing golf cart batteries, you can protect them from the elements and ensure they’re in top shape when the weather warms up. This way, your golf cart batteries last longer and perform better over the years, regardless of cold temperature.

Keep reading to learn some helpful tips and tricks so that your batteries will be ready to power up when fairways thaw, and you will be hitting the links again.

What Does Winterizing Golf Cart Batteries Mean?

In simple words, winterizing golf cart batteries means preparing your golf cart’s batteries for storage during the winter season. This process involves several steps to protect the batteries from damage that can occur due to cold temperatures.  

By winterizing your golf cart batteries, you prolong the life of your golf cart and ensure that they remain in good health for the next season. This process involves cleaning battery terminals, disconnecting the battery chargers, and storing the batteries in dry locations. 

Why Winterizing Golf Cart Batteries is Important

Perhaps you’re wondering why it’s important to winterize golf batteries. It has to do with the cold temperature. When the temperature drops below the freezing point, the electrolyte solution inside the batteries expands and damages them.

Additionally, the low temperature also affects the battery’s capacity, which means it’ll not be able to hold a charge for the long run. By winterizing golf cart batteries, you can prevent these issues and ensure good maintenance of your batteries in the spring season and prevent costly maintenance. 

Preparing Golf Cart Batteries for the Winter: 6 Easy-to-follow Steps

Preparing golf cart batteries for the winter

For storing golf cart batteries in the off-season, here’re the necessary steps you should take:

Fully Charge the Batteries

The first step to winterizing your golf cart batteries is to charge them properly. If your batteries are not fully charged, they can’t gain sufficient temperature to maintain their position for long-running. Your batteries will start freezing, affecting the battery performance and damaging your cart. 

This will also help prevent sulfation, a buildup of lead sulfate crystals that can damage the batteries over time. So it’s crucial to charge the batteries or set up an electric charger fully. 

Check the Water Levels

If your best golf cart batteries are not maintenance-free, check the water levels in each cell of the batteries. Add distilled water to any cells that are low to ensure proper electrolyte levels.

Disconnect the Batteries

This is an extremely important step, and you need to take it seriously when storing golf cart batteries for six months or longer. To prevent any parasitic power draw, disconnect the batteries from the golf cart. Be sure to remove the negative cable first, then the positive cable. Your battery will be protected from failure and other electric shocks.

Clean the Batteries 

Before winterizing golf cart batteries, cleaning them is crucial. Use a mixture of baking soda and water to clean any dirt, debris, or corrosion off of the battery terminals and casing. Rinse thoroughly with water and dry with a clean cloth

Store the Batteries 

Ideally, store the batteries in a cool, dry place that is above freezing temperature. You can use a battery-specific insulated cabinet or a heated garage to prevent the batteries from freezing or getting too cold- as the freezing temperature can damage your battery cells

Maintain the Batteries

During the winter months, check the batteries periodically to ensure that they are still charged and to prevent sulfation. Recharge the batteries as needed to maintain a full charge.

Golf Cart Storage During Off-Season

golf cart storage during off-season

As a golf cart owner, you should know how to protect it from the harsh winter elements. In this simple yet effective step-by-step guide, you will learn how to winterize golf carts. 

Clean your Golf Cart Thoroughly

Before storing your golf cart for the winter, give it a thorough cleaning. This includes washing the exterior, wiping down the interior, and removing any debris or food that may attract pests.

Protect the exterior

After cleaning the golf cart, apply a protective coating to the exterior to prevent rust and corrosion. You can use a wax, sealant, or rust inhibitor to protect the paint and metal surfaces.

Check the Tire Pressure

Check the tire pressure and inflate the tires to the recommended level. This will help prevent flat spots from forming on the tires during storage.

Lubricate Moving Parts

Apply a light lubricant to any moving parts, such as the steering wheel, pedals, and suspension components. This will help prevent rust and corrosion and ensure that the parts function properly when you’re ready to use the golf cart again.

Fill up the Gas Tank

If your golf cart has a gas-powered engine, fill up the gas tank and add a fuel stabilizer. This will prevent the fuel from breaking down and forming deposits that can clog the engine.

Charge the Batteries

If your golf cart has batteries, charge them fully before storing the cart. This will help prevent sulfation, a buildup of lead sulfate crystals that can damage the batteries over time.

Cover the Golf Cart

Finally, cover the golf cart with a tarp or golf cart cover to protect it from the elements. Be sure to choose a cover that is made of a durable, weather-resistant material and fits snugly over the cart.

Rodent Prevention

As temperatures drop, rodents may seek refuge in your golf cart, damaging your battery and other components. To prevent this, be sure to thoroughly clean your golf cart and remove any debris or food that may attract pests. You can also use rodent repellent and store your golf cart on a raised platform or a set of sawhorses. 

Is It Harmful To Leave Your Charger Plugged In All Winter?

It is generally not harmful to leave your golf cart battery charger plugged in all winter. In fact, many modern battery chargers are designed to be left plugged in for extended periods of time without causing damage to the battery.

However, some may argue it isn’t safe to leave your golf cart battery plugged in for six months. There has been a debate on this topic for a long time now, and we have discussed in detail whether you should leave golf cart batteries plugged in or not. Read on to make an educated decision on this matter.  


Winterizing golf cart batteries can benefit you in a variety of ways, but taking proper precautions is the best way to prevent any malfunctions or damage. During the off-season, you can make sure that they are maintained in good condition and are performing at their best. Follow the steps above to extend the life of your battery.

Picture of Van Douglas

Van Douglas

Van Douglas is a seasoned golf enthusiast and skilled writer, delivering informative and engaging articles on his blog that capture the essence of the sport with expertise and passion.

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